Minisuka Blackwell

The Chaotic CreationGposer, Roleplayer, and occassional artist


[Name] Minisuka Blackwell (Otonashi)
[Nameday] 31st Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon (March 30th)
[Age] 34 Physically - True age unknown
[Race] Entelechy
[Hair Color] Black and red
[Eye Color] Green
[Scale Color] Black and Blue
[Unique Physical Oddities] Dragon eyes & fangs, and wings. Transformation
[Height] 4'7"
[Gender] Non-Binary
[Pronouns] She/Her/They/Them
[Orientation] Pansexual
[Personality] Shy, Polite to new people, will fight for the people she loves, will tease the people she knows can handle it, honest
[Occupation] Mercenary, Healer, Courtesan, and Venue Owner
[Canon Class] White Mage, Pictomancer, or Ranger (verse depending)


Minisuka is an Elpis creation created by a scientist that knew about Hermes’ experiments with Meteion. The alterations to her were different however. She was given special wings, fangs & eyes like that of the Miqo’te of the current age, an immunity to the effects of extreme temperature(s), and slightly more muscle than her stature suggests. That was all until they started adding alchemy into the equation. They gave her the wrong set of potions and it caused her death. The scientist sealed the body in a secret room behind their library only to hear what sounded like a small cat making sounds a few days later. They checked to find a small, fat cat in the room with the body nowhere to be found. Weeks beyond the scientist came home one day to find the female creation returned with no cat to be found, and Mini to have no memory of them or what happened. The scientist destroyed the notes of what combination of potions and testing caused this adverse effect to avoid an attempt at replication. It is assumed that this ability is why she still exists post sundering, similarly to how the ascians have survived with the added ‘bonus’ of amnesia in combination.After the world was unsundered Mini was dropped on the Ninth shard. (the world of Alexandria) She learned the ways in which they consumed souls to stay alive via a small device that was attached to their head. With no memory of where she was from, she joined and was part of the work done by the “Preservation” and befriended Robor and Alaya. When she heard them planning to send something important through a portal to save it she snuck through before they closed the portal landing in the source. Mini made sure not to be seen and kept her device but hid it under various things like hats, bandanas used as "eye patches", etc.She became a nomad, never staying in one place to long due to her inability to age as everyone else did, learning the trade of a pirate and mercenary to survive and make money.Years later she met the scions and went on their adventures with them taking them all over Eorzea and learning much more than anticipated. Mini found her way to Elpis after a few years of traveling, allowing her to learn about things like Dynamis, (a form of energy that reacts to strong emotions, both negative and positive) and herself through Hermes. Hermes explained to Mini that she was something called an entelechy, as Meteion was. Being in a familiar place helped the amnesia to lift, the only thing she still couldn’t remember was the exact person who made her. While there she found a small spriggan (oreiai) that followed her home and she’s taken on most of her adventures since. Before the group left back to their own world, Emett Selch could tell she was different and warned her to stop whatever was altering her further than that of someone from their age. Mini’s stubbornness won though, she wasn't overly attached to any one place or person at the time and enjoyed learning how each resurrection and soul consumption would alter her. She started to question the effectiveness of this however, when she was caught in a venue fire, and came back without her feline ears and tail but still refused to remove the device. With the amnesia not triggering this time the venue group took her in, and she found her rhythm working with them among her other odd jobs. One day while handling trades for the venue she was on her pirate ship and slipped off the side being saved just before hitting the water by a large black set of wings. Aether came together behind her to form them, remembering from her trip to Elpis that this likely meant they’d come and go resulting in various shapes, styles, and colors.Mini’s use of the headgear would stop a year after this. She met a tall Xaela artificer named Alorin. She remembered the name from her time at the venue but never crossed paths with him. She learned that he was smart, funny, endearing, and he gave her a new perspective on life. The more time she spent with him the less she felt like the need to research and revive in that way was worth the cost. Mini didn't tell him about the device or show him until one day they went on a hunt for a large beast. Alorin took a hard hit from the beast, and despite his attempts to hide it he was gravely injured. In a panic she ignored the fact that he hadn't seen what she could do. Mini hit the button causing her to consume a beast soul, knowing she wouldn’t save him without it. However because of how she was made, and the extended use of the device, this time it transformed her into a black coeurl. Her focus being on taking out the beast, she realized what she did only after it fell. Mini couldn’t gauge Alorin’s reaction before he passed out. Laying down against her injured partner to keep his body temperature up, she waited for the transformation to wear off not knowing if it would. Eventually it did, though leaving her with black & red hair matching that of the coeurl. She used healing magic on Alorin to help him get his bearings. After collecting their reward, the two discussed how the transformation happened, ultimately deciding it was best to take the device off permanently and focus on living in the present, building a life together.A mishap happened a few months into their relationship, somehow drink bottles in Alorin’s house got mixed up, Mini accidentally grabbed and drank a mysterious blue potion knocking her unconscious. She woke up to her very worried partner holding her but she felt different. Reaching up to touch his face to comfort him she realized why he panicked. Mini now had scales, a tail, dragon eyes, and was much shorter. At first she was focused on finding a solution but they both quickly settled into the new normal. The Xaela couple got married and bought a house together, helping each other with their passions. To this day the mysterious device sits in a locked drawer on his tinkering desk despite their many life changes since.



I'm a 34 year old, non-binary pansexual from the United States. I typically use the pronouns she/her/they/them. I'm in a wheelchair. Yes, Mini is based on me because she's been my OC most of my online gaming career. Feel free to interact with me by any means you prefer. I'm always down to chat, RP, or for collabs.
If you want to RP, I prefer first talking about what YOU want from the RP, my limits are high so don't be afraid I'll say no.
I hope you enjoy my ever evolving OC.

  • FFXIV account (Possibly D&D as well)

  • GPOSER/Artist & Content Creator

  • Muses are 21+, 18+ RP partners only

  • Multi-ship/verse

  • Dark/Mature/NSFW themes okay with discussion prior

  • RP: Yes - ERP: Maybe - Do not mix OOC/RP

  • Discord: Minisuka